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8 Productive Things To Do During Quarantine


Productivity during quarantine

Most of us are slowly trying to get used to staying indoors for the duration of this quarantine. You might be wondering what productive thing can you do during this quarantine to ensure that you come out a better version of yourself.

Here are 8 productive things to do during the quarantine

  1. Learn something New: 

 For some of us, we have been planning to take a course or learn a new skill for a long time but we just haven’t had the time to do it. Now we have a lot of spare time (that is if you are not working from home).

Don’t waste this opportunity, go online and search for that course. There are millions of courses online for every price range. Take advantage of the extra time.

2. Create a career plan: 

Many people are working in jobs that they don’t like or feel that they should be earning more for the work that they do. But they never get around to fixing the career issues cos they are always working and don’t have time to look for other jobs.

This is a good opportunity to evaluate the options out there, find out what skills you need to move up on the ladder and start taking a course on that. Start sending out job applications. Rewrite your CV. Do whatever is needed to push you to that next level.

3. Create a financial Plan:

 The economies of most of the countries of the world are struggling and Nigeria is not exempted. After the virus is over, the financial damaged to business and industries will be quite significant.

Now is the best time to start making financial plans to cushion whatever blows may come.

Can you start a side business for an essential service? Do you have savings to invest in assets that might be undervalued after the pandemic? Create a financial Plan for you and your family today.

4. Create a new business plan for post corona virus:

 The pandemic has changed a lot of things about how people do business and the economies of the world.

Ensure that your business is ready to start off on a good footing when things return back to operation. Ensure that you maintain contact with your customers during the process and seek to provide assistance to them in whatever way.

5. Meditate/pray

Just like in other aspects of our lives we fail to spend enough time on our spiritual health. This is a good time to dedicate time to growing spiritually.

6. Call up family and friends:

 This is a trying time for a lot of people, ensure that you reach out to your family and friends whom you may have been too busy to call in a while and check up on them.

If you are indoors with your family, use the time wisely to reconnect and bond with family.

7. Rearrange/ Deep clean your home:

We all have that area of our house that we have been planning to organize for a long time but haven’t gotten around to doing it. Cleaning can be very relaxing, and it is also a great exercise. So, go on a cleaning spree.

8. Learn a new language online:

 Have you always wanted to learn French? Start taking online courses. Challenge yourself to be able to speak a new foreign language after the quarantine is over.

The Goal is to come out of this trying period a little better than before. You also need to prepare for the after math.

Drop a comment below if you have any ideas that were not listed here so we can all learn!


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